The International Law Association aims to

Information about the work of the International Law Association globally made be found here.

The Australian Branch is run by the Management Committee. Branch members may nominate to sit on the Management Committee at each Annual General Meeting. The main activities of the Australian Branch include:

  • Organising special events, such as public lectures and other functions of relevance to international law;

  • Supporting members to join international committees and study groups of the ILA, which conduct research and prepare resolutions and reports that influence the development of international law;

  • Publishing the Australian International Law Journal and the ILA Reporter, which is the official blog and provides leading analysis, commentary and discussion on issues in public and private international law; and

  • Arranging prizes and internships.

Examples of events that the Australian Branch has organized include the 2018 ILA Biannual Conference in Sydney, which was widely attended by hundreds of international lawyers worldwide, a 2019 seminar on “The Future of International Dispute Settlement” and annual end of year function. Our recent and upcoming events may be found here.