Australian International Law Journal

From its modest beginning in 1983 as Australian International Law News, the Australian International Law Journal (Journal or AILJ) has become a peer-reviewed law journal of international standing with contributions from prominent individuals in the field. Articles published in the Journal cover a wide range of topics of public and private international law.
If you are interested in submitting a paper for publication in the Journal, whether it is an article or case note, please email Editor-in-Chief Anthony Cassimatis at Case notes should be on recent decisions of national or international courts dealing with important questions of public or private international law, and comprise of both descriptive and critical analysis. Please also refer to the Guidelines for Authors.
The Australian International Law Journal (AILJ) – read the Publication Policy.
The Call for Submissions for Volume 31 is now available.’ Click here for full details.
If you wish to subscribe to the Journal, you must either:
- Sign up as a member of the Australian Branch; or
Pay for an annual subscription (including postage and handling)
For Australian Subscribers, the annual subscription rate is: AUD $50 for individuals, or AUD $70 for institutions.
For International Subscribers the annual subscription rate it: AUD $55 for individuals, or AUD $75 for institutions.